Marine Drouilly — Promaco Conventions

Marine Drouilly

Institute for Communities and Wildlife in Africa, University of Cape Town, WESTERN CAPE, South Africa

Marine is a French conservation scientist with a passion for wildlife, science and Africa. She graduated with an M.Sc. in Ecology and Conservation Biology from the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris in 2009. Her thesis was conducted between France and Zimbabwe where she studied the ecophysiology of plains zebras and Przewalski horses. Since then, Marine has worked on wildlife and predator projects on 4 continents. She returned to University in 2013 to pursue her Ph.D. in wildlife conservation and behavioral ecology as part of the Karoo Predator Project that she created in 2012. Marine has a lifelong interest in conservation and wildlife ecology and is particularly interested in human-wildlife relationships. She thinks negative interactions between animals and people and conflicts between different stakeholders are the biggest challenges wildlife conservationists will have to face in the 21st century. As a Ph.D. candidate at the ICWild (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Marine is conducting her work using an interdisciplinary toolset that combines field-based ecological sampling and social surveys to better understand predator ecology on farmlands. She also manages the project website ( and publishes as a freelance writer on wildlife and conservation issues. When she is not studying wildlife and working with the communities, Marine loves running long trails in the mountains and (ice-)climbing. drouillymarine(at)