Mustafa Soezen — Promaco Conventions

Mustafa Soezen


He was born in 1967 in Antalya/Turkey. He is a full Professor at the Bulent Evecit University in Turkey. His study area is mammalian systematics , ecology, zoogeography and melecular systematics. Throughout his professional career he had responsibility both in field of project management and co-researcher. He has been engaged in many activities related with scientific projects on mammalian systematic, ecology, and environmental management. He has extensive experience and knowledge regarding Turkish mammals and birds. He has published more thatn 90 scientific papers and managed or contributed to about 30 scientific research projects on Mammals in Turkey. He has presented more than 60 conference presentation in national and international conferences. He is a bird watcher and has watched 393 out of 483 bird species in Turkey. He has supervised about 20 master and PhD thesis on mammals in Turkey. He is married and has two kids.