Kristin Warren — Promaco Conventions

Kristin Warren

Murdoch University, WA, Australia

Associate Professor Kris Warren (BSc, BVMS (Hons), PhD, Dip. ECZM - Wildlife Population Health) has worked in the field of conservation medicine for 20 years, and is currently Associate Professor in Wildlife, Zoological and Conservation Medicine, and Academic Chair of Postgraduate Studies in Conservation Medicine, in the College of Veterinary Medicine, School of Veterinary and Life Sciences at Murdoch University. She has numerous projects and collaborations in the field of wildlife disease surveillance and associated ecological research, with a strong focus on research in regional-rural areas. This includes research into the ecology and health of threatened Australian wildlife in regional-rural areas in five states and territories (WA, SA, Qld, Tas & NT). She currently also has fifteen postgraduate research students (12 PhD and three Professional Doctorate) and overseas wildlife projects in Indonesia, South Africa, Thailand, Nepal, New Zealand and Colombia. A/Prof Warren is a member of the IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group (2001- present) and the IUCN/SSC Veterinary Specialist Group (2002 - present).