Guy Ballard — Promaco Conventions

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Abstracts this author is a contributor to:

The scientific consequences of stolen camera traps (#208)

3:00 PM
Paul D Meek
S17: Challenges and solutions in using remote sensing equipment in mammal research and monitoring (3/4)

The integration of computer assisted technology into camera trapping (#683)

12:30 PM
Paul D Meek
Poster session presentations Monday- Tuesday

A roadmap to meaningful dingo conservation (#476)

1:30 PM
Ben Allen
Open Session: CS14 MR6

It is about what you’ve got and how you use it (#62)

11:10 AM
Paul D Meek
Workshop 3: The Design, Logistics and Data Use of Large Camera-Trapping Projects (1/2)

Cameras, collars and carnivores: Using contemporary techniques to inform the conservation of an endangered Australian predator, the spotted-tailed quoll (Dasyurus maculatus). (#377)

1:50 PM
Trent Forge
Open Session: CS10 MR9

The exploitation of anthropogenic resources by dingoes; more than just garbage and scraps (#40)

11:10 AM
Huw Nolan
Open Session: CS1 MR9

Dingoes, dogs and foxes: Roles they can play. (#127)

10:00 AM
Peter JS Fleming
S27: The biology of Canids in human dominated landscapes (1/3)

Roles for the dingo in Australian food webs reviewed: Where do they fit? (#751)

12:30 PM
Huw Nolan
Poster session presentations Thursday- Friday

Is enemy's enemy always a friend? Vague implications of wild dog control on a native marsupial herbivore. (#25)

11:10 AM
Michal Smielak
S23: Mammal predator research and management programs: ecological and ethical considerations (1/3)