Chris Turney — Promaco Conventions

Chris Turney

UNSW, NSW, Australia

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Chris Turney is a Professor of Climate Change and Earth Science at the University of New South Wales. Working across the globe, Chris is extending historic records back to 130,000 years ago to better understand the future. As part of this work, Chris co-ordinates the international Earth's Past Future Project ( Chris has published more than 165 papers, 1 textbook and 3 popular science books with 2 Highly Cited Papers listed in Thomson Reuters’ Essential Science Indicators. Described by the UK Saturday Times as the ‘new David Livingstone’, Chris’ team communicate their findings in the field as Intrepid Science (, reporting discoveries when they happen, where they happen. Chris has received several awards, including the Australian Academy of Sciences Frederick Stone Award (2014), the inaugural Sir Nicholas Shackleton Medal (2007) and the Geological Society of London’s Bigsby Medal (2009). To do something positive about climate change, he helped set up a carbon refining company called CarbonScape ( which has developed technology to fix carbon from the atmosphere and make a host of green bi-products. Chris is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Geological Society of London, and the Royal Geographical Society.