Working for Wildlife: The Role of Zoos in Conservation Action — Promaco Conventions

Working for Wildlife: The Role of Zoos in Conservation Action (#386)

Susan Hunt 1
  1. World Association of Zoos and Aquarium, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Given the dire situation facing wildlife globally, leadership by wildlife conservationists and conservation organisations is becoming increasingly important.  In this rapidly moving world, how do we break through the increasing noise to effectively make a difference for wildlife and wild places? What are the key messages, actions and how can we best operate? In leading zoos and aquariums around the world, this has been a core issue and over recent years there has been a substantive and conscious re-positioning of leading zoological institutions as conservation organisations. This has involved the adoption of new strategic directions and an integrated conservation model, the One Plan Approach to conservation action. This presentation will outline the species conservation role of zoos; conservation leadership; the One Plan Approach; the two new global zoo strategies Committing to Conservation and Caring for Wildlife; and how we are bridging the gap between in-situ and ex-situ conservation.
