Tempo and mode of the diversification of extant didelphids (Didelphimorphia) — Promaco Conventions

Tempo and mode of the diversification of extant didelphids (Didelphimorphia) (#390)

Guillermo D'Elia 1 , Andrés Parada Rodriguez 1
  1. Instituto de Cs. Ambientales y Evolutivas, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Los Ríos, Chile

The family Didelphidae represents the most diverse group of New World living marsupials. Most didelphids are endemic to South America and are distributed in tropical areas, although some species reach open and forested areas at high latitudes of South and North America. Several studies have focused on the shape and timing of the extant didelphid radiation, but much less is known about the rates and drivers of their diversification. We structured this talk into two parts. First we review previous findings characterising the extent and rates of the extant didelphid radiation. Second, we present novel results conducted on the basis of analyses of a matrix with a broad taxonomic (117 didelphid species) and character (10 genes) sampling. We present age estimates for didelphid clades (e.g., ca. 14 MYA for the most recent common ancestor of the family). Our analyses of diversification rates found a single macroevolutionary dynamic across the radiation of the family and evidence of a slight increase of speciation towards the present. Financial support: FONDECYT 1141055, FONDECYT-Postdoctorado 3150604.
